Forcefully Sensitized Androgen Receptors™ (FSAR) V2
FSAR V2 is an integral part [1/3] of Genetically Gifted (GG)
- To maximize muscle and bone growth, the FSAR V2 built into GG has high selectivity for bone and muscle tissue and includes mechanics that directly synergize it with Myostatin Inhibitor V2 and Hypertrophy & Hyperplasia Enforcer.
- FSAR V2 in the following edition provides universal AR modulation.
Customers who purchased GG can access this version of FSAR V2 from the Gumroad Library -> Genetically Gifted tab.
If before 24/07/2024, I've sent you a dedicated message with a download link to your email.
FSAR V2 - Hyper-Responsiveness to Male Sex Hormones & Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
Androgens such as testosterone and all anabolic-androgenic steroids work by binding to androgen receptors (ARs), which are located throughout the entire body, from bones and muscles to the brain. Suppose testosterone levels are high, but ARs are desensitized or low in number: in that case, less testosterone is used for anabolic-androgenic processes, and more is converted to estrogen.
So, the more androgen receptors we have, and the more sensitive they are, the greater the masculinization of the body.
Masculinization involves the development of all the characteristics and traits associated with men: impressive musculature & strength, male-specific facial structure, excellent bone density, optimal fat distribution, dense facial & body hair, deep voice, masculine demeanor, and high energy levels & sex drive; just to name a few.
| Benefits:
- maximum use of anabolic & androgenic hormones in the body
- development of secondary male characteristics
- optimized muscle anabolism
- optimized muscle & bone repair
- optimized pheromone excretion
- increased bone density
- increased nitrogen retention
- increased testicular volume
- increased libido
- increased energy levels
- improved erectile functions
- improved muscle definition & vascularity
- improved fat distribution
- reduced water retention
- reduced aromatization of testosterone to estrogen
- reduced potential side effects of estrogen and prolactin
| Detailed benefits:
- magnificent AR gene expression
- magnificent AR sensitivity
- magnificent transcriptional activity of androgen receptors
- magnificent bioavailability of androgens
- maximum precision of information transfer between CAGs
- optimized signaling of androgen-regulated genes
- optimized proliferation of Sertoli cells and maturation and development of Leydig Cells
- optimized function of the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus (efficient GnRH and LH & FSH secretion)
- enhanced function of ARs located in apocrine and eccrine sweat glands, which determine the effectiveness of pheromone excretion
- improved muscle protein synthesis
- optimally low SHBG levels
- androgen-independent hair follicle (scalp) and prostate ARs oversignaling prevention
- E2 and PRL receptors oversignaling prevention
🎧 For best results, listen 3-4x daily through stereo headphones.
🔬 Audio technology: morphic field-programmed frequencies, binaural beats, isochronic tones, subliminal messages (utilizing powerful sound phasing technology to deliver messages across a 360-degree spherical sound field / affirmations + afformations recorded in 3 forms and 5 tenses), non-binaural auditory stimulation, modified white noise
🎵 Length: 06:57
2 exclusive audio files in the highest quality (WAV & MP3 formats), employing the audio technology specified in the description.